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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

How to Make Money on Twitter

Making Money With Twitter

Millions of people are sitting down right now with their smartphones or keyboards in hand, typing away, creating tweets- small little messages that can be easily discovered by other, similar, people.

Sounds like the perfect place for an ad - Right? Yes, yes it does.

Actually, many people are trying desperately to endorse their website or product by gaining followers and tweeting out messages that do just that. Too bad they're doing it wrong.

What if those desperate people were to just go straight to the people with many followers and pay them to tweet their desired content out? Well, here is one of many sites that have done that:

Sponsored Tweets

These sites connect the people with the followers to the people needing publicity to those followers.

Now, you could be on either end of that. If you have something worth selling or endorsing, then advertise through twitter and do it the right way.

On the other hand, if you have a lot of followers than use them to make you money - tweet out a few ads here and there. Even if you don't have any followers, now you have a motivation to get some! You could even make an account just for it.

This system is similar to Google Adsense because it's pay-per-click. Advertisers only pay for when their link is clicked on and the "advertisees" only make money when the link is clicked on.

I hope you have success with this, and happy money making!

Click here to learn how to make money doing surveys, reading e-mails, and more!


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